S'kaagyiyhe Tayuun

Sage-Thief of Sharlayan

Covetous lust for knowledge, with the dexterous hands to reach for it; purely for the best intents, of course.

Crystal - Mateus

!! May contain spoilers For Dawntrail - Endwalker !!

A Wandering Sharlayan

Originally brought to Old Sharlayan as a generously paid hired help from Aldenard. Following a research accident, the woman was rendered almost amnestic as to her activities and life beforehand. As part of her compensation, she was given a place in the secluded scholar's nation. And through no small amount of effort and spent candles; a studious pupil of the prestigious Studium and later the prized Physis Techon. Earning her position as a sage of Sharlayan, and a learned one at that.

Or at least as far as the offical records and documentation say. In truth, while she did partially lose her memory, she retained more than she'd let on. Not something she's keen to let on, she was a prestigious thief, and catburglar back in Eorzea, needing an escape after a bad tangle with a dangerous crowd, slavers. While she can't remember at what price her 'escape' cost her, she remembers how to pick a lock at the least... And the addicting thrill of getting herself into places she shouldn't be, among other things.

Basic Details
Name: S'kaagyiyhe Tayuun
Aliases: Satsuki, Squill, Blue
Race: Miqo'te, Mixed
Age: Mid-twenties
Height: 4'11
Build: Lean
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bi, (Polygamous)
Nationality: Sharlayan
Occupation: Sage, Thief

Physical Attributes
S'kaagyiyhe is a youthful, naturally blue-haired woman of paler skin, and a smaller stature for a miqo'te, paired with a lean body, with a moderate level of fitness. Her left eye is colored white and her right is a light shade of yellow. She features an unusual marking seared into the right side of her neck. She possesses a hearty consitution typical to the seeker-side of her blood, and a high bodily aether reserve. Alongside some features of a distinctly mixed heritage among the miqo'te. She frequently smells like medicinal herbs, and reagents. And due to over a decade of thieving, she quiets her steps as if it was like breathing to her.
Within Sharlayan culture there are some things sought to be avoided; Impatience, recklessness, and a defiant distaste for authority. Traits alone that are bad, but a combination of them? Dangerous. Having both an extreme mental acuity, and a love for using it, S'kaagy was both a matter of pride and concern among her teachers. Always wanting more knowledge, and never quite fond of hearing the word 'no' as often as it came. Albeit, shy enough not to press it, thankfully, the type to prefer books over interaction most days.
Originally coming from her tribal background, the woman posses a distinct, if rarely used skill with painting, and herbology. Spending her adolescence as a thief however, she picked up the skills needed for larceny, particularly finding herself a savant with locks of wide variety, making her an excellent burglar. In the Studium, she fostered her magical gifts, gaining an advanced knowledge of sorcery, and aetheric manipulation, alongside medicine, alchemy, and other associated skills of somanoutics in Physis Technon. She also maintains a small repertoire of skills of lesser expertise, or concern, making her adaptable to most situations.
Language Skills
Capable of speaking old Miqo'te, Hingan, Huntspeak, Eorzean, and Sharlayan

Particularly Noteworthy Gear

Aethertint GogglesDark Tinted GogglesExternally, a plain set of metallic goggles with a dark tint. Internally offers the wearer the ability to see high concentration aether forms, like those typically found in wardsmithing, magical traps, and other such practices. While also offering resistance to blinding spells, and annoyingly bright sunlight.
'Ward Claws'Metal Finger StallsPrecision manipulation and interference with aetheric circuitry and wards. Doubles as a conduit for temporary aetherical short-form tethering using personal aether. Could probably be used as a weapon.
Ear GuardsTechnological black composite miqo'te ear insertsAvoid overstimulation migraines, deafening bangs from all those gunblades, muskets, and explosives, people tote around. And keep your second most valuable asset safe and protected! All without any nasty losses in hearing, unless there's aetheric interference in the area.
NoisemakersOblong steel capsulesUsing the awesome power of a wind shard, a fuse, and whistle technology, you too can be subjected to the deafening screeching of air being forced through small holes.
Aetherical Paint Satchel & BrushesSatchel of paint vials, and some brushesPerfect for some on-the-go arcanistry, and probably some utility purposes here and there. Honestly she just likes to paint.
'Zu's Blood Brew'A reinforced vial with a reddish-orange liquid insideA 'last-resort' alchemical concoction from S'kaagy's tribe, it offers a powerful boost to the imbiber's strength, durability, perception, and more, for a short time. In return, ravaging a body of expendable aether and vitality until incapacitation.
Runed RopeRed silk rope with magical markings running acrossIf thrown, will attempt to restrain the nearest living thing in it's path to a pre-inscribed manner. Also manipulatable in the same manner to a red mage's foci, or a noulith. Not so great on mages, for this particular reason. Also, don't make it weird.

What I'm Looking For

I'm currently looking for just a few RP friends and connections to satisfy my RP urges outside of FC related shenanigans. Preference for story focused plots and encounters, that especially involve the newer zones in the game. Long term, medium term, or short term are okay.

Theme Preferences

Always welcome!

  • Adventure

  • Combat (NPC - Both)

  • Slice-of-Life

  • Lore-Heavy

  • Crafting

  • Hunting

  • World/DC transfers

  • RP outside of Aldenard

  • Moon Magic

  • In-game RP

Talk with me about it first

  • AU / Earlier in Timeline RP

  • DMing encounters / things(?)

  • Underworld/Crime

  • Combat (PC - Rolled)

  • Lore Bending

  • Darkly Darkness of Dark Degrees

  • Discord RP

  • Character Conflict

  • Roll Systems

  • Backstory relevant plots

  • Horror or other spookiness

  • Pre-established Relationships

  • Bounty-Hunting

  • In-Universe Politics

  • Tribal Plots/Story Elements

  • Healing / Medical Treatment

  • Antagonists / Rivals / Eeeeeeevil!

Not on the table.

  • Combat for the Sake of Combat

  • Having to DM something with someone who is also trying to DM something.

  • Immediate Plot / Character resolution

  • Combat (PC - Freeform)

  • Mentor - Apprentice

  • Lore-breaking

  • Romance / intimacy / etc (without development)

  • New FCs (at this time)

A few notes.

(where I sound mean and pretentious)

  • I maintain, and believe in strict OOC and IC separation, and I expect my partners to at least try for the same. Consequently, I'm not interested in self-inserts or "perfect" OCs. Bring problems, bring issues, we'll smoosh them together and maybe we'll get something nice out of it.

  • I typically post a paragraph, or two depending on the case. I work off substance, however. Provided none, expect shorter post sizes; give me a lot, expect more. Do not expect freeform PvPRP out of me, unless I trust you enough to handle it reasonably and we're both good for it, otherwise, rolls until that point.

  • Not interested in dealing with RP leeches, If you're so creatively exhausted that you need to rely entirely on someone to do, and figure out everything for you and your character at all times, then you should be looking for a break rather than RP contacts. Needing help is perfectly okay, coasting entirely off someone is not. Bring energy to the table of some variety.

  • Zero interest in having to be the one to pick between your twelve-to-twenty alts; you can have them, that's fine, but please have an idea who you want to actually use rather than throwing them all at my face. It doesn't set the most stellar of impressions.

  • I'm an introvert with bad memory, AND a short attention span, so I'm not the greatest at maintaining OOC communication, but an attempt will be made to the best of my ability. Set expectations accordingly, get out your jingliest, shiniest set of keys, and know; I'm probably not ghosting you if I missed a message.


If none of these hooks work out for you, but you have an idea based on her backstory, or perhaps something else, feel free to ask! These were just a few suggestions more than anything!

The Larcenous Lockpick
Quick calculated glances, the experienced placement of her nimble hands, the way she moves in a crowd... While not obvious, to a keen eye they might just tell of someone who's has a bit of a know-how when it comes to the art and craft of stealing, not that she'd call it that. A prodigious lockpick, someone in Eorzea who had an ear to the underground might have caught wind of her talents for sale before she all but disappeared to Sharlayan. With wealthier individuals, a possibility of having been a target for the enterprising miqo'te.

Wayward Sharlayan
Perhaps you're familiar with her from Physis Technon, or the Studium's classes on Aetherology, and Fifth Era history and somanoutics related areas of study. Or perhaps seeing a Sharlayan so far away from their island home peaks an interest. Though she's noticeably never far from other Sharlayans, particularly those of controversial nature back home.

Byregot's Faithful
The god of arts, architecture, and industry, The Builder makes for a rather frequent name of reverence in the more artistic and avant-garde circles of Eorzean society. Some of which S'kaagy herself can attest to being a member of. Perhaps it's the necklace dangling around her neck with his symbol, perhaps you've spotted her partaking in some of the more occultic or hedonistic rites and rituals practiced by those on the fringe, or maybe you've just seen her name on a rare painting or two.

Wandering Sage
Given the general instability of the world as of recent, the need for trained healers has never been higher. As a trained Sage of Sharlayan, she can be found wherever there is a relative need for her healing arts or other talents across the star, on occasion. Always seeming to have some business that pull her around.


Tanji Company

A Far-eastern silk trading company that sometimes dabbles in other affairs, S'kaagy is a resident healer, though helps the company with more shady dealings on the side with her experience in the matter.

Hanya Teahouse

A Far-Eastern teahouse, in need of some extra coin to make ends meet, with help the miqo'te has been able to work at the teahouse as a maiko, however, requiring an extensive amount of training and education in the traditional ways of a maiko.

Haute Monde Glamour

A now defunct Ul'dahn based fashion company, S'kaagy was officially a model, though behind closed doors, she was in practice more a spy, gathering information for the company and occasionally getting her hands dirty.


Lirilara Antares
Kaagy's closest friend and worst influence, a Garlean assassin. Fueling the catte's most hedonistic tendencies with a never-ending supply of 'supplies', and entertainment. While helping her fend off all the trouble she's gotten herself into at the same time.


S'ahlena Quam
Kaagyiyhe's old partner in crime, and once closest tribe sister of the Zu tribe. While not dead, she remains in the captivity of the Maelstrom, perhaps for the rest of her life. Which would be entirely tragic if the two weren't actively, vehemently wanting to kill each other.
S'rhilu the "Cobalt Claw"
A noticeably grizzled leader of a rather difficult bunch of bandits deep in the stretch of dunes and rocks to the south of Ul'dah. While there's no official connection between the two, a few similar features, infrequent meetings, and a rather rough bodyguard or two closely stalking the woman in and around Ul'dah could be taken in several ways.
A fairly mysterious contractor and coinkeeper in the Eorzean underground, specializing in less-than-accepted magic practice. After a few stolen books, and intercepted dead drops, there's been a distinct amount of bad blood between the two, though neither have seen fit to try for the usual solution, if only by a barest hair of a balding karakul.

A little about myself, for those curious.

  • I'm a nerd of the female variety, a woman who is a nerd, one might even say. This isn't really important information in any meaningful way, but now you know, for no particular reason other than it felt obligatory to say. Be blessed that this isn't a extensive, ill-informed, and deranged tangent about dinosaurs, because it was just as tempting.

  • Long-time roleplayer, former RP guild and small community lead, player of SWTOR, ESO, and a few other MMOs, casual enjoyer of tabletop things of dice-rolling and storytelling nature.

  • SGE main, former nocturnal sect enjoyer, and royal road potency arrow enthusiast. Watch me go on a whole tangent about class oversimplification and general groaning about the state of healing in the game.

  • Honey mustard is my preferred chicken tendie dip. However, I tolerate lesser dips, such as barbeque sauce.

Some more character story spoiler and difficult hooks that I've decided to leave open, but I would still request that we talk about them first beforehand. Particularly with the comfort and expectations of everyone in mind around such topics and themes. As well as just general viability of throwing them around in the RP, given potential character consequences. Also you know, if you're part of the, "I'll learn it through RP!" crowd, here you go. Or I guess not, probably wouldn't have read this far in. Here you don't go, I think!

Broken Chains
While not keen to talk much about it, previously the blue-haired miqo'te had been captured by a wayward band of slavers who struck at just the right time. Captive for around half a summer before she was able to slip away. While never up for sale, it's likely she could have known others in the same predicament, or met eyes with individuals dealing with such loathsome characters. A rather pesky marking on her neck from the ordeal not exactly helping her avoid notice, either.